Have you ever felt an inexplicable connection with someone, as if your souls were destined to meet?
A connection so strong you can feel each others thoughts across the country...
It feels like home…and at the same time so foreign. It’s such an unfamiliar feeling that it must be true.
The concept of soulmates has captivated my imagination ever since the Disney movie Hercules nonetheless the human imagination for centuries, its origins can be traced back to an ancient tale presented by my favorite philosopher, after Socrates of course, Plato.
In one of his greater works "The Symposium," Aristophanes offers a touching perspective on love and the eternal quest for our other half.
Im trying to make sense of it all.
The battle of the heart and mind.
It make sense why the greatest sought mastery over two things above all else.
Words and Actions.
Because we control nothing else.
Literally nothing.
In this late night letter I want to share with you one of my favorite Greek Myths and explore the timeless yearning for wholeness that lies at the heart of human relationships.
Myths are stories, and stories have always been a powerful way to convey complex ideas and values.
We are story telling creatures
Stories have messages within a captivating narrative, they becomes more memorable and easier for us to relate to.
Greek mythology was rich with stories that offered various perspectives on human behavior, morality, and the nature of the Gods, providing endless material for teaching and reflection.
Tale of Love and Longing In "The Symposium"
Aristophanes shares a fascinating myth about the origins of human love.
According to his story, humans were once powerful, double-bodied creatures with two heads, four arms, and four legs.
Fearful of their might, Zeus decided to weaken them by splitting each being in half, forcing them to roam the earth in search of their missing counterpart.
This division left humans with an unquenchable desire to reunite with their other half and become whole once again.
The search for one's soulmate is, in essence, a quest for completion, a longing to restore the sense of unity that was lost so long ago.
The Power of Love and Connection
Aristophanes story evokes deep emotions as it resonates with our innate desire for connection and love.
Throughout history, countless tales have been told of star-crossed lovers whose lives were transformed upon finding their soulmate.
These stories capture the essence of the soulmate connection.
A bond that transcends time and space, an unbreakable link between two souls destined to find one another.
The power of love can bring out the best in us, pushing us to grow and evolve as individuals.
When we find our soulmate, it feels as if the missing pieces of our heart have finally come together, creating a sense of wholeness and fulfillment that is unmatched.
The Modern Interpretation of Soulmates
Over time the concept of soulmates has evolved though, taking on new dimensions and interpretations.
In todays society, the idea of a single, predestined partner has given way to a more nuanced understanding of love and relationships.
Some still believe in the existence of a single, perfect match, others debate that we may have multiple soulmates or that soulmate connections are not limited to romantic partnerships.
I’ve always thought there are more than one. And that you can build the life you’re destined to have with the one you most align with.
Idk about that though…Plato’s theory comes from somewhere bigger than us.
They were tapped in far more than we are today. There was less distraction, more space to contemplate, talk to God, debate…it wouldn’t be without strong reason.
Regardless of one's stance on the issue, the underlying theme of Aristophanes story remains relevant today: the human heart yearns for connection and completion.
In our search for love, we are driven by the hope of finding someone who truly understands us, someone who makes us feel whole.
Aristophanes perspective on soulmates, as presented in Plato's "The Symposium," has left a lasting impact on our understanding of love and human connection.
The powerful, touching nature of the soulmate concept speaks to the deep longing we all share for wholeness and unity.
As we make our way through this fucking weird process called life, cherish the connections forged with others, and remember that the pursuit of love is, in many ways, a journey back to ourselves.
Final Thoughts
I recently read from Stephanspeaks on IG.
“Love is not complicated, people are”.
F*** if that isn’t the truth.
How do you decipher and apply discernment.
What do you do when you’re staring at the person right in face.
Do you find a way.
Or do you let them go.
How long do you allow yourself to feel this.
Where is the line drawn.
Big Love, Nadeem