
8 Signs You're Overwhelmed

and 4 ways to mitigate the pressure

If you're an entrepreneur feeling burnt out, please know that you're not alone, and that awareness is the first step in reducing the overwhelm.

In this letter, we'll explore why entrepreneurs are burnt out and offer tips on mitigating this pressure.

And before you discard this week’s letter because you don’t identify as an entrepreneur, first hear me out because this directly correlates to you and the life you lead.

If you haven’t caught the replay of the workshop Derek, Matt, and I did a few weeks ago, you can see the replay here.

How to Tell if You’re Burnt Out

  1. Hopelessness

  2. Suicidal thoughts

  3. Loss of motivation

  4. Moodiness and irritability

  5. Inability to make decisions

  6. Withdrawing from support systems

  7. Physical and mental overwhelm and fatigue

  8. Excessive use of substances, including alcohol, drugs, and prescription drugs

A recent study shows nearly half of entrepreneurs are burnt out.

That's a huge problem because it affects our economy, the culture of that company, and most importantly, our lives.

When business owners/entrepreneurs (the driving force of our economy) are burnt out, a trickle effect occurs where they lash out at employees due to a lack of EQ (emotional intelligence), which leads to higher demands, poorer performance, and increased inner conflict.

Questions begin to arise, such as:

  • I’m not doing my job right

  • What am I even doing here

  • My boss thinks I’m stupid

  • What’s my purpose

  • (Fill in the blank)

We spend the most time with these two groups:

  1. Family

  2. Co-Workers

There's no doubt that American workers spend more time at work than at home. 78 percent of people who work 30 to 50 hours a week spend more time with co-workers than with their families.

If the work arena is toxic due to poor leadership (starting at the top), then it’s going to carry over into your family life; specifically if you lack the tools & awareness to leave it at the door before going home (which can be challenging for many of us).

And vice versa, if the family arena is toxic, it will carry over to your workspace.

But Nadeem, why is this important? Well, many of you work. And you are:

  • Working a job, you hate

  • Working to make ends meet

  • Working + want to start a side hustle

  • Working + have a side hustle

All four of these can and eventually will lead to burnout.

Burnout often stems from our desire for more.

The desire for more money, time, success, and status is a slippery slope.

How to Tame Our Desires

How to Mitigate Burnout

1. Understand why you're burning out

The first step in avoiding entrepreneurial burnout is to understand why you're burning out in the first place.

  1. Is it because you're working too much?

  2. Are you setting unrealistic expectations for yourself?

  3. Are you spread too thin?

Take a moment and ask yourself the questions above.

Once you identify the root cause of your burnout, you can begin to address it.

If the answer is yes to one or more of those questions, you are setting yourself up for failure.

But don’t worry, we can course correct.

2. Set realistic goals

If you're constantly putting pressure on yourself to meet unrealistic goals, it's no wonder you're burning out!

One of the best ways to avoid burnout is to set realistic goals for yourself and your business.

When your goals are achievable, it takes some of the pressure off and allows you to approach your work with a more positive attitude.

Break down what actions are needed using first-principle thinking.

First-principle thinking is fundamental in uncomplicating big ideas.

It’s the process of dissecting an idea, goal, object, or problem, primarily identifying the basic building blocks of whatever said thing.

For example: If you want to start a side hustle or a business.

Rather than saying well, I'll grind and work hard because this is the way to success, money, and status. You will begin by asking yourself, “What do I absolutely need to create X? What is 100% true?”.

3. Take breaks

This is such a paradoxical subject.

We think we are achieving more by burning the candle at both ends.

But the truth is that the quality of focused work lessens and lessens, creating opportunities for more mistakes and depleting dopamine & serotonin.

When you take a break, it allows you to recharge your batteries and come back to work with a fresh perspective.

Five minutes is all it takes.

Use the Pomodoro technique; this is a process of 25 minutes of focused work (no distractions) followed by a 5-minute break. No sneaky work or scrolling during that 5 minutes. I use a chrome extension called Marinara.

Do something fun like play with the dog, go outside, do some pushups, write a poem, or stare out a window.

That small 5-minute window gives your brain a break and allows you to come back nearly fully charged for the remaining work.

Once you get good at this technique, you can extend your work sprints to NO MORE than 90 minutes, with a minimum 30-minute break (the longer the break, the better). I will do 90 minutes sprints, then go on a 30-45 minute walk outside.

I did an entire letter on structuring your calendar.

4. Find a mentor or coach

Having someone who can offer guidance and support can be a huge help when trying to grasp your desire for more and avoid burnout.

A mentor, coach, or group coaching can help you identify the areas where you need to make changes and offer the resources to do so.

Highly encourage joining our workshop on October 27th,2022 (no cost) on How to Tame Our Desires.

How to Tame Our Desires


Burnout is a genuine problem that affects millions of people each year. If you're struggling with burnout, know that there is help available. By taking steps such as understanding why you're burning out, setting realistic goals, taking breaks, finding a mentor or coach, and seeking professional help if necessary, you can avoid burnout and get back on track.

Final Thoughts

Today is a great day for me, for us, to accomplish anything.

A day for our accomplishments and desires to come to fruition.

Miracles, opportunities, and abundance will appear seemingly out of nowhere.

Today, work through us great spirit and support us in leading us to the greatest and best version of ourselves... For the highest good for ourselves and others!

And so it is! Have a great week ahead Philo fam, and I’ll speak to you next Saturday 🌞

Nadeem Al-Hasan

It would mean the world to me if you would send this to someone you feel could use a lift of inspiration. This is my service to the world.

**See below - For UpcomingWorkshop & Past Letters**

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